Maryana, a batik designer, conducted research in Singkawang to find original batik motifs from her homeland. He met Wina's friends, who met Hasan, a...
Jejak Cinta
Bebek Belur Indonesia is a comedy film released in 2010 directed by Adrianto Sinaga. The film stars among others by Torro Margens, Mario Irwinsyah,...
Bebek Belur
A jealous young man tries to steal his brother's girlfriend by using the power of an ancient myth.
The Virgin Corpse
Atya, a 27-year-old woman whose life has fallen after being decided unilaterally by Diga. As if she hasn't had enough of being dumped by her...
Ten Years Challenge
Sigit who has the ability to see ghosts sees a great advantage to get money from these advantages. His life spins out of control because it turns out...
Kuyang is a nocturnal female spirit in the form of a human head with the contents of the body attached without skin and limbs that can fly looking...
Kuyang the Movie