Jakub, a dreamer and budding magician, juggles between parcels and services rendered to the villagers. His eyes cross that of the beautiful gypsy...
Rose Tinted Dreams
Otvorený účet
Šesťkrát žena
Vymodelujem more
Parížsky život
Pavilón šeliem
Timon Aténsky
Desiaty chlap
Čudné dievča
Stalo sa v našom mestečku
Delenie majetku
Pod vládou ženy aj na svitaní
Ťaví zadok
Ring voľný
Most na tú stranu
Trip on the Danube
Ako sa husár učiteľom stal
Priateľstvá padajúceho lístia
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck...
King Thrushbeard
Ako ostrihať manžela
Cézar a detektívi
Pomsta starej dámy alebo Na každého raz dôjde
Dukát z rozprávky
Sťopka a Šidielko
Veľké pokušenie
Piková dáma
Podkovičky za korunu
O múdrej pekárovej žene
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer)....
Dušičky seniorov
Medvedík pre bračeka
Vietor v starých stromoch
Traveling salesman in a small town before WW2 makes a solemn promise to kill himself. Later he finds that the local people took him very seriously.
The Death of Mr Goluza
Dosť dobrí chlapi
Diablova pomsta
Vlado, an intelligent boy living in a small village, has fantasies that take him away from his humdrum life. But as the Nazi occupation begins to...
If I Had a Gun
Ach tá láska pozemská
S.O.S. (strašne ošemetná situácia)
O tom, ako šibal Peterko mäsiara Kocha prekabátil
Múdry Maťko a blázni
Tragicomic family film about the world of children heroes - particularly the son of a local communist officer and his friend, a little hostage of the...
Tajomstvá pod viečkami
Plesové šaty
Kdo se bojí, utíká
Takmer božský omyl
Hasičský plášť
Chrobák v hlave
Zlatá rybka
Čistá biela stena
A fairy-tale about an old lady who takes care of snow and Jakub who does not fear death. It reflects the idea of people's longing for happiness, love...
The Feather Fairy
Múdra princezná
Návrat Jána Petru
A 1984 Slovak language drama film directed by Martin Tapák.
Dies irae
Zločin slečny Bacilpýšky
Mali ste mi to povedať
Platiť sa nebude!
Chlapec do náručia
Pepe and Prengel, returning from war, meet Ester and both fall in love with the girl and live together in a deserted house. Fanatic communist,...
Sitting on a Branch, Enjoying Myself
Kým rieky vyschnú...
Hrdina západu