TV drama that follows the story of unusual destiny of Sava Šumanović, people and events which affected creation of artistic expression...
Sumanovic - A Comedy of an Artist
Croatia Records, as the publishing house that published the largest number of new wave releases, is celebrating 40 years of new wave this year. The...
New Wave - 40 Years After
Belgrade rock musicians and critics talk about the glorious days of Yugoslav new wave that had its peak in 1981.
Rock Deserters
An experimental TV movie based on the lives and work of Soviet avant-garde artists from the first half of the 20th century.
Russian Art Experiment
In the opening stages of the Bosnian War, a small group of Serbian soldiers are trapped in a tunnel by a Muslim force.
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame
Documentary about the life and career of Serbian rock musician Vladimir "Vlada" Divljan.
Heavenly Theme
A young man finds a way to spend his last few days of freedom before joining the army. Set in eastern Bosnia in summer of 1968.
Six Days in June