William James Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes both become entangled with the ruthless "blackmailing king", Charles Augustus Milverton. Both determined...
Musical "Moriarty the Patriot" Op.4 - The Two Criminals -
Based on the manga of the same name.
Musical Ouran High School Host Club
Kei works at a cocktail bar, while Ai works as a model. Fearing she'll be ostracized by society, Kei chooses not to admit her sexual orientation to...
West North West
The 2018 Revolutionary Girl Utena musical, marking the 20th anniversary of the series, ran from March 8-18th at CBGK! Theater in Shibuya, Tokyo.
Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose
The continuation of Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose that tells the events of the Black Rose saga.
Musical Utena ~ Blooming Rose of Deepest Black
Musical featuring members of Nogizaka46 as characters from the Sailor Moon manga and anime franchise. 2019 featured new members playing the lead...
Nogizaka 46 Ver. Musical "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" 2019
Musical featuring members of Nogizaka46 as characters from the Sailor Moon manga and anime franchise. It is produced as part of the celebration...
Nogizaka 46 Ver. Musical "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon"
The third musical adaptation of the manga Ouran High School Host Club.
Musical "Ouran High School Host Club" Fine