In an alternate Japan, territorial street gangs form opposing factions collectively known as the Tokyo Tribes. The simmering tension between them is...
Tokyo Tribe
A musical adaptation of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
Starting in 1970s Hokkaido, the film charts the moral descent of Detective Moroboshi over three decades, the young cop quickly gets a bit too cozy...
Twisted Justice
A classmate from Ushijima's middle school days, Takemoto, shows up. He was a kind man, but now is jobless and without a home. Adrift and unable to...
Ushijima the Loan Shark The Final
A former American G.I. joins a yakuza family after his release from prison in post-World War II Osaka.
The Outsider
Saki, Anju, Chiaki, Ami, and Kaya reunite for the first time in years. The five of them excitedly decide to go Toshimaen Amusement Park, a place that...
Toshimaen: Haunted Park
Shiratori Tatsuhiko works as a scout for Burst, a talent agency in Kabukichō, Shinjuku's red light district. In a business where money means...
Shinjuku Swan
A con man and a would-be filmmaking crew force themselves into the lives of two grief-scarred young women. But nothing is as it seems.
The Forest of Love
In the treacherous frontier city of Samurai Town, a ruthless bank robber is sprung from jail by wealthy warlord The Governor, whose adopted...
Prisoners of the Ghostland
Middle-aged widower Tetsuro finds an unconscious, homeless young man on the riverbank in his small seaside town. Offering him room in his home,...
His Lost Name