Set in Aizuwakamatsu, where resort development is progressing, the sixth installment of the gangster action series that depicts the battle between...
Shura ga Yuku 6
The group that Hitoshi and Yoshiro once crushed after a fierce battle, the angry party. Takeda, a former Black Dragon Society executive who was in...
Jingi 14: Fund robbery
The Kanto Ichienkai without Jin lost its cohesiveness and appeared to be a group of men. Sunagawa, who was concerned about the absence of a strong...
Jingi 28: Bone and Meat Rule
Ryoko, a childhood friend who has come to Tokyo to take the nurse's exam, goes missing on the day of the exam, and Maji rushes to find her. ......
Maji! 9: Rage
Two childhood friends fall for the same boy.
Honba Jyoshikou Manual: Hatsukoi Binetsu-hen