Half a Confession introduces itself as a thriller and abruptly changes gears, transforming into a tale of morality with deeper insights into its...
Half a Confession
One year ago, Rui (Rio Yamashita) lost her eyesight after a hit & run accident. She's still traumatized by the accident and has yet to undergo rehab...
Rise Up
Kotone (Tomoka Kurotani) is the wife of Mitsuru Kiba (Kazushige Nagashima), boss of the Kiba gang in the Saikyo Alliance. She hides a girl named...
Yakuza Ladies Neo
Biopic of yakuza Noboru Ando, based on his autobiography.
Shibuya Story
Set in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture in 1954, movie tells the tale of 14 year old boys: their friendships, fights among friends, and rebellions against...
Nasu Shonenki
A drama in which Yasuko Sawaguchi starred in the movie for the first time in nine years since "Autumn Autumn" and played an elementary school teacher...
Kôtei ni kochi fuite
A young ad executive's life has been turned upside down when a vicious client ruins his three billion yen project. Through his chance meeting with...
In the Daoxiu Town located in Osaka, there lived such an independent woman. Her name is Harukin Akiya (played by Naoya Nagazawa). At the age of 9,...