A series of tragic events unfolds after Chang Chi-Mao's daughter goes missing as an infant. Chang becomes consumed by revenge against a powerful...
Organ Child
Fourth of September
Qi has a fear of marriage. After he and his girlfriend Qian move into an old house with a large terrace, Qian suddenly disappears, leaving only an...
Shadow on the Terrace
Gui Xiang is super clever girl with low EQ. She investigates into a murder case in competition with a young police detective.
Detective Gui
A loafer inherits an apartment block and lets out the place to a group of tenants, including a lusty gymnastics teacher, a geeky college student, a...
The Tenants Downstairs
Tien Xiao-Xiang is a fan of author Si-Yi and Tarot cards. But deep down, she has another love, childhood sweetheart Li Zhu-Hao. Just when she sees...
Do You Love Me as I Love You
After his mother has an accident, obese Julien (14) is taken in by his uncle's family in Switzerland. The family, who to all appearances are totally...
Sauvons les apparences!
The story centers on Yoshio, a poor and struggling manga artist who lives in Kitamachi. He is sent by Oyaji, the landlord of his apartment who is...
Lust in the Rain