James MacDonald, familiarly known as "Slim Jim," who prefers to make a livelihood by stealth rather than by honest endeavor, leaves his wife and...
The Quack
"Sidewinder Steve" returns to civilization to find that his ore specimens show he has discovered a turquoise mine. He wires his friend, Ace Brent,...
The Turquoise Mine Conspiracy
Bill Zuursnik works as a shop assistant in a department store. His wife wants him to go into the oil business. He convinces his wife that he is doing...
Bill's Opportunity
Smilin' Billy Parsons comedy distributed by National.
A Pair of Pink Pajamas
Based on Henrik Ibsen's play from 1877.
Pillars of Society
The new stenographer is right there when it comes to class which does not escape the notice of her boss. He showers attentions upon her and asks her...
Beached and Bleached
Bill Pike, recently married, hits his home town about seven in the evening, and immediately is seized by a bunch of his old cronies who drag him into...
You Can't Beat It
Sam Hubert, a theatrical manager, learns that his greatest rival in the theatrical field has signed up a new and brilliant star, Corinne, the dancer,...
A Little Puritan