Vienna, 1922. Due to a sudden financial tragedy, a young woman begins accepting checks from an older, rich gentleman for companionship in order for...
Wiener Melodien
Operetta (German: Operette) is a 1940 musical film directed by Willi Forst and starring Forst, Maria Holst and Dora Komar. The film was made by...
Der zerbrochene Krug
Franz Xaver Silvester Pomeisl travels thru the decades looking for the good old times.
The World Turns Backward
A young Viennese actor is having much success on the stage; but intrigue and confusion in his love life are making his life a living Hell.
Brüderlein fein
Singende Engel
Herr von Lips is a wealthy landowner, surrounded by money and luxury. But what he lacks is a wife, who really loves him. So he comes up with the...
Die goldene Fessel
In this romance, a banker's daughter suddenly breaks off her engagement on her wedding day. She then meets a man who believes in easy money. He sees...
Money on the Street
Der Färber und sein Zwillingsbruder