The film tells the story of three girls who have had a close relationship for several years, and once love looms, the three fall into a never-ending...
Marie, a Canadian editor specialized in testimonies of Genocide survivors, starts to receive anonymous large envelopes with the narrative of Ali, a...
The Valley of Tears
Lina, a pre-med student, is sent home to Beirut, Lebanon, after severe nightmares ruin her life. Xapa, also known as "Joy," is prescribed to help her...
Who would you be today if, a few years ago, you had not chosen the path you took? Another person, in another life. Completely, definitely,...
The Other Side of November
After abandoning her four-year-old daughter in Lebanon to pursue a better life in Quebec, Sana cuts every link to her Lebanese ties and never looks...
From My Window, Without a Home