Set in the years before and during World War I, this epic tale tells the story of a rich Argentine family, one of its two descending branches being...
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Searching for his wayward brother, saddle tramp Donnegan (Buck Jones) gets in trouble with a bully and is thrown off a freight train
The Vagabond Trail
My Own Pal takes Tom Mix out of his customary western surroundings and plunks him in the middle of New York City.
My Own Pal
Jimmy Martin, king of the motorcycle speedsters, visits the Kingdom of Mandavia for a race. There he is persuaded to impersonate the king by a...
Speed King
A snappy young book agent reforms and becomes a cook for a group of Boy Scouts.
A Good Scout
Tiring of Broadway, James Sanford "Jim" Richardson moves to Arizona, where he finds trouble of another sort when two woman fall in love with him.
The Man from Broadway
An old pioneer wants his brother's children whom he has never met to inherit his wealth, but a villain substitutes ringers for them.
Pioneer's Gold
Tex Robert rescues beautiful Ramona Wadley from the gang-leader of cattle rustlers. Later, he saves Ramona's sister from a stampede, and is then...
Hands Off!
A Secret Service agent goes undercover to unmask the leader of a gang of diamond thieves.
Ace of Cactus Range