Jack Bray is a wanderer in the wilderness of a Western town, governed principally by a band known as the 'six-o-one,' a gang of masked riders. While...
The White Masks
Mark Sabre hires young Effie Bright to keep his snobbish, cold-hearted wife Mabel company while he goes off to war. When he returns home from the...
If Winter Comes
When Deputy US Marshal Frank Dalton is killed in the line of duty, his brothers Bob and Grat are appointed to replace him. However, when they...
Beyond the Law
Gunman Chuck Connelly is hired to silence the new district attorney who has been pounding the graft organizations. Chuck goes to the D. A.'s home to...
The Terror
Brave and good-natured cowboy Sandy Burke saves young Dolly after her father is killed in the saloon. He entrusts the girl to kindly Widow Mackey,...
Sandy Burke of the U-Bar-U
Professional thief Joe Grim is killing time in New York City's Central Park before he robs the Wall Street subtreasury. He spots pretty young Laura...
Luck and Pluck
Remotely derived from Balzac, the plot centers on Maurice Travers, who, through the self-sacrificing efforts of his mother, is able to attend...
If Women Only Knew
The daughter of a wealthy industrialist wants to take over the company when her father retires, but the father--an old-fashioned sort who doesn't...
The Adorable Cheat
A Daughter of Two Worlds
On her debut as an opera star, Marion Stuart is interrogated and possibly implicated in the death of a male acquaintance. Released, although...
Fatal Lady
The foreman of a cattle-ranch located on the Texas-Mexico border is the leader of a gang of alien-smugglers bringing Chinese immigrants illegally...
It Happened Out West
Marion Taylor is secretary to Edward Mallory, a wealth Wall Street businessman. She supports her invalid brother Tommy, who has been told by his...
Beyond the Rainbow