A family comedy about funny adventures of two best friends Mishka and Kolya and their dog called Little Friend, based on Short stories by Nikolai...
Little Friend
Soviet film.
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The film takes place in 1919 in Saratov. Student Kirill Izvekov becomes Commissioner of the Red Army and participates in the battle with Wrangel and...
An Unusual Summer
The tale about the brave hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail. He was so authoritative like a boss of all forests that even the wolf scared...
A Brave Hare
To a New Shore
Sasha Rumyantsev, a long-range driver, becomes an unwitting accomplice in a crime committed by the head of the motor depot where he works. The honest...
The Rumyantsev Case
In November 2017 in Volgograd, the BK-31 armored boat was raised from the bottom of the river. According to historical data, from July 1942 until the...