In a dystopian alternate reality, at the height of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's rule over Bosnia, David Strbac sues a Badger which occupies his corn...
With the Badger on Trial
Following the comical adventures of the tenants in a seemingly ordinary building in Belgrade, situation culminates thanks to bad pipes and the...
Comedy on Three Floors
Đorđe is being summoned to Ada Bojana to meet his father for the first time. Nikola, his dad, is a jailbird and ex-thief. Although everyone...
Diamond of Boyana
The story about the founders of the famous "Yugoslav Basketball School" and the first gold medal at the Championships in Ljubljana in 1970, is based...
We Will Be the World Champions
Mile, a runaway boy from the orphanage, spends his days and nights on the streets, begging for money and food. Cast out and alone, he manages to get...
A man wakes up in a square of an unknown city again and again, after each failed attempt to escape four masked assassins. Through the never ending...
Djordje has to choose between his mask and his real face. He has to figure out how to deal with what he feels. Ognjen chose he will fight for his...
It Looks Like We Are Alone