A forceful indictment of the devastating effects of war and nationalistic fanaticism on the average man, who, in the face of the absurdity of...
The Day Before
In 1701, Lord Takuminokami Asano has a feud with Lord Kira and he tries to kill Kira in the corridors of the Shogun's palace. The Shogun sentences...
The 47 Ronin
Story of a bandit king part 2.
Saga of the Vagabonds, Part Two: Forward at Dawn
1977 Japanese film directed by Tengo Yamada.
The Skies of Haruo
Story of a bandit king.
Saga of the Vagabonds, Part One: Tiger and Wolf
In a slum in Edo Japan, a ronin hopes that his deceased father's former master will hire him while a disgraced hairdresser attempts to regain his...
Humanity and Paper Balloons
The year is 1936. Ōhinata-mura was a very poor village between deep valleys. Soncho, the village head is trying to collect the village taxes...
Set in the late Edo period of the assassination of Dairo Ii, the sword and emotional romance that depicts the murderous world. The turmoil of the end...
Ōma no tsuji