This film is a comedy about a poor man named Purko. Purko always fails in his attempt to escape from poverty. The film illustrates the social and the...
King for a Day
Television adaptation of the comedy "Mihal Mishkoed" by Sava Dobroplodni. Bay Mihal, one of the wealthy residents of the town, is in love with the...
Zeh ta, Radke, zeh ta!
Bulgaria. 13th century. The people, driven to utter despair, rise in arms. They elect Ivaylo - a poor peasant but gifted military commander - as...
The weaknesses and shortcomings in the work of some leaders in the years of the building of socialism are ridiculed.
Two Victories
The action takes place at the end of WWII. It is 1944 on the Yugoslav front, where the Bulgarian Army is fighting bloody battles against the...
Stationed in a secluded Bulgarian village in 1943, Walter – a German Wehrmacht sergeant and artist – lives in almost idyllic distance...
What happens when a distracted newspaper editor-in-chief initials a "yes" to print a sharply critical feuilleton and a "no" to the feuilleton...
The Incredible Story