The story of the influential 19th century British poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his troubled and somewhat morbid relationship with his wife and his...
Dante's Inferno
Harriet Blossom is married to Robert Blossom, a businessman who'd rather spend the night at his bra factory than at home with her. One day, Harriet's...
The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom
The Alberts (Bruce Lacey, Tony Gray and his brother Dougie Gray) attempt to take off. There are two edits of this film, both with their own distinct...
The Flying Alberts (Brucey Lacey edit)
The Alberts (Bruce Lacey, Tony Gray and his brother Dougie Gray) attempt to take off. There are two edits to this film, both with their distinct...
The Flying Alberts
Spike stars with Bob Todd, Bill Kerr, Graham Stark, Valentine Dyall, and Sheree Winton & a final TV outing for moustachioed 'token Italian' comedy...
Spike Milligan: A Series of Unrelated Incidents at Current Market Value
A lonely snowman finds Santa's workshop. But when he sets off the perimeter alarms and is chased away, he wonders why he couldn't be Santa and get...
Santa vs. the Snowman
A performance of the band The Alberts. One of several films made especially for deaf children by adult film maker George Harrison Marks.
Uncle's Tea Party