Town Mall 2 is an adaptation of the famous horror novel 'Town Mall'. This film revolves around the mystical story of Ariani's life which eventually...
Town Mall 2
When Hafiz`s mother is kidnapped, the only thing that can help him save her is a RM100 note that his late father left him - which contains clues that...
romantic comedy that tells the tale of Nani, a bubbly 21-year old girl, and her unique pet turtle, Nico. Nico is one of the rare Green Crown Sea...
Cinta Kura-Kura
Plot Unknown
Tells the story of the love of a couple, Hamid and Intan, which is hindered by their father's quarrel. The hostility that erupted 18 years ago...
Pinang Durian
SMK Ayer Dalam is celebrating its 50th school anniversary. However, things start to go spookily wrong at the chosen venue.
Oh my English! Oh my Reunion!
Nur Kasih The Movie is a story of how a family faces every test from God. Death of Aidil's wife had a profound impact, especially on Aidil own. He...
Nur Kasih The Movie
A man and his wife attempt to escape from an extremist Islamic cult known as the Khawarij, led by his own father, the village chief. They are haunted...
Revolves around Krisya, a beautiful and stylish young woman who cares about nothing but her appearance. She then falls in love with Irfan, but there...
Kolestrol vs. Cinta
7 years ago, small-time gangster Meor went missing. His wife Nina eventually re-married, to his best friend, Din. Din is a loving husband and doting...
Breathing in Mud
Desperate to find a dowry, a man stubbornly kidnaps a dictator to get a ransom. The situation became chaos when the kidnapped girl was her...
Hilang Akal
A derivative TVmovie, Karlos Bolos was aired on August 8, 2013 in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Karlos Bolos
Hasrat Bakar and Salimah to have a miscarriage when Salimah suffered miscarriage. Bakar desperate to find out who is the one who threw the garbage...
Maaf Dari Khilaf
Saka Zain Jusoh
This tele-film tells the story of the love between two people from different worlds. The love between a village man and a woman who is a practitioner...
Telunjuk Iblis