Desire Will Set You Free is a feature film that explores life in contemporary Berlin with an often critical and sometimes humorous eye. Based on a...
Desire Will Set You Free
As a divorced father of two teenage daughters, with a head-strong ex-wife for a best friend, too many peculiar patients to keep up with and a new...
What Doesn't Kill Us
Tristan is into fashion design while his parents take care of the rest. Sunny is a drag queen and a money boy, living life on the explosive side....
Eva and Artur want to spend an evening together in the big city in a hostel. They are the only guests. Or maybe not.
Der Dritte Gast
The romantic comedy "Unlimited Love" by Malte Wirtz gets out of hand when an actress disappears during the shooting. What was intended as an...
Evil in the Woods
Lichter der Stadt