Cheerful graphic comedy taking place in a girl-jammed electronic processing factory. A young foreman, initiative and ambitious and hardworking, falls...
Fly Up with Love
The City
Five veterans who fled from China to Taiwan with Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) troops in the late 1940s. After decades in a military residential...
War Game 229
The Fellow with Left Thumb Cut Off
Taiwanese television horror movie from 1972.
Bai ling zhi
Romantic film starring Brigitte Lin.
Moon River
A young scholar is asked by a woman ghost to bring her back to the world where she wants to take her revenge on her killers.
The Chinese Whimsy
The 'scalper' is a cinema ticket-tout skirting the law and police harassment to make a living for herself and her three children in downtown Taipei.
The Scalper
Xue Yu Kun Yin
Someone in a prison run by a corrupt warden fakes the deaths of convicts to later use them as expendable assassins. A police officer is sent into the...
Island of Fire