The unflinching tale of Maria, Allan and Steso, who are struggling for survival. Maria is a pusher frau, wandering restlessly among addicts, abusers...
Angels in Fast Motion
Due to climate change a new race of flesh eating predators arise, who invade and eat everything living on earth. In a residential neighbourhood in a...
Danny's Doomsday
Maybe the best thing to come out of Scandinavia during the hippie years was, in fact, the story of a radical libertarian and a hedonist capitalist....
Sex, Drugs & Taxation
In 1958, a young Egon Olsen tries to escape from the orphanage by being adopted by a rich couple - but his new "parents" are rocket scientists who...
Olsen Gang Junior
Jacob Nossell (24) is intelligent, but hardly fits the picture of a dream child: he suffers from a paralysis of the brain, a congenital physical...
Natural Disorder