What Kind of Soul Will You Deliver To God Bitch? is a Greek black comedy mini-series created by Alexandros Rigas and Dimitris Apostolou which aired...
What Kind of Soul Will You Deliver To God Bitch?
A group of men that their friendship starts from the army, meet after years in the funeral of a friend. This bad time reunites them, as for many...
Morally and Kicking
A 35-year old man, just released from jail, decides to make a clean break from the big city and his troubled past. He retreats to the abandoned...
The King
The occupation of students just before the Panhellenic effervescence inducing s`ena public high school in Piraeus. On the first day of the...
Watch Out! Red Light
Elias of the 16th Precinct follows three friends – Elias, Thomas and Vangelis – who face considerable financial hurdles with their debts...
The Policeman of the 16th Precinct