Henry is an introverted young artist who, seeking to escape the banality and violence of urban life, begins to blur the distinction between fantasy...
A three-part look at the ironies of love, with stories that involve a young boy, a hostage situation, and a divorced elderly couple caught in a love...
The Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico, Dr. Eduardo Suáre does not agree with the new health reform that the Governor imposes on the country....
¿Quién eres tú?
Abandoned siblings Charlie, Pablo, Tito, and Marla live in a deteriorated city apartment that becomes their magical sanctuary. The landlord is...
Doris is a hardworking and honest woman, divorced and mother of two teenagers whom she adores but doesn’t understand. After a bad relationship...
Los Díaz de Doris
In an ex-alumni meeting, five friends meet and acknowledge their regret that they have not been able to get out of life what they always proposed. An...
Cuando las mujeres quieren a los hombres
Experimental film about rhythm as corporal expression of a culture. Presents various choreographies and does not include the participation of men.
Captures the Promesa de Reyes (Holy Kings' promise) of various families on the island, in Las Marías, Patillas, Aguadilla, Vieques, and Dorado,...
Los Santos Reyes Magos
A teenage girl does all she can to protect her younger sister from their bipolar mother.
A young boy has a vision on Christmas Eve that changes him and his entire village.
Milagro en Yauco