Finalists, semi-finals, and finals of the competition to determine the "Kaiou," the most powerful ghost storyteller who tells the scariest ghost...
Kaidan Saikyou Sen 2018 The Decisive Battle
Horror documentary by the Psychic Detectives, led by Makoto Kitano, one of the most famous ghost hunters in the entertainment world. The guests are...
Makoto Kitano: Don’t You Guys Go - Scary Property Tour with Matsubara Tanishi SP
The guides will be "Matsubara Tanishi" a breakout comedian who lives in an accidental property.
Makoto Kitano: Don’t You Guys Go - We're the Supernatural Detective Squad Return to the Origin SP
This time, we will feature him in a big way! First, we will introduce two of his newest properties! What will happen at the newest accidental...
Makoto Kitano: Don’t You Guys Go - The Man Who Summons the Strange! Matsubara Tanishi Festival Complete Fear Edition
The members of the Psychic Detective Squad, led by well-known psychic Makoto Kitano, visit numerous legendary haunted places! The "Haunted Lodge" is...
Makoto Kitano: Don’t You Guys Go - We're the Supernatural Detective Squad Haunted Legends Home Visit SP
Makoto Kitano, one of the most famous mystery spot hunters in the world of show business, will personally infiltrate haunted places to experience and...
Makoto Kitano: Don’t You Guys Go - We're the Supernatural Detective Squad Kyushu Spiritual Pilgrimage Special Complete Edition
Makoto Kitano, one of the most famous mystery spot hunters in the world of entertainment, goes into haunted places himself and introduces his...
Makoto Kitano: Don’t You Guys Go - We're the Supernatural Detective Squad Going on the Spiritual Dragon Road! Hokuriku Conclusion
Makoto Kitano, one of the most famous mystery spot hunters in the entertainment industry, will personally infiltrate haunted spots to experience and...
Makoto Kitano: Don’t You Guys Go - We're the Supernatural Detective Squad Departure from Nagoya! Going on the Spiritual Dragon Road!
"Michinoku," a horror documentary series led by the renowned spiritual hunter, Makoto Kitano, and his team of spiritual detectives. Contains three...
Makoto Kitano: Don't You Guys Go - Here I Come! Michinoku Comic Ghost Story
Advisor Kazuya Nishiura investigates a strange video with many orbs! Tanishi Matsubara examines the ghost stories of ghost storyteller Toshiyuki...
Makoto Kitano's We Are Psychic Detectives: Get to the bottom of the mystery!