The film tells the story of Anzirat, an elderly woman who lives in a small village in Soviet Uzbekistan with her son, daughter-in-law, and their ten...
Grandma the General
The five–year-old hero of the film, a city boy Kenzhe, finds himself in the village with his grandparents, while his father is sorting out...
Patchwork Quilt
The traditional conflict between the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law is resolved in the expressive manner of a poetics-symbolic cinema and a...
Hunter's Family
Sixth-grader Tolegen comes from the village to visit his relatives in the city to study at a mathematics school. Having mixed up the address, he ends...
I Am Your Relative
1734. In the north of the Urals, in the impenetrable forests of Orthodox Russia, one of its small nationalities lives — the Voguls, who have...
Golden Woman
A fifth-grader Zamanbek lives in a mountainous Kazakh village. He is passionate about Mark Twain's book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and wants to...
When You're 12 Years Old
Young Akbota goes to visit her grandmother in Alma Ata and brings her saplings of the sacred archie tree. On the way, she meets architect Murad, and...
Three Days of a Holiday
The film is about how the aul boy Cher raised a handsome horse from a Shock foal, about the boy's love and devotion to the animal. And when the boy's...
Shok and Sher
The film is a recollection of an adult about the unforgettable days of the first post-war year. Klava, who lost her husband at the front, with her...
My Sister Lucy
The screen adaptation of the novel "Abai" by Mukhtar Auezov recreates the story of prominent Kazakh poet and philosopher Abay Kunanbayev. The famous...
Songs of Abai
The story of a young man named Yertaya, who returned to his native village after many years of studying at a university in the capital. During this...
About the Soviet man, his honesty, intransigence with evil.
A fascinating journey through the native land of a schoolboy Ermek, who went to visit his uncle during the summer holidays.
B For Singing
The young people fell in love with each other and decided to get married. The month they were given to reflect helped the characters to look at...
A Month to Think