Movie adaptation of Leonardo Oyola's novel, which tells the story of the legendary DC comics superhero, Superman, if he, instead of falling in...
Marla & Kiki
Nina, Ailén and Fernando are an actress, a producer and a director who want to shoot and independent feature film in Argentina.
Upa! An Argentinian Movie
How far would you go to make an independent film? When a director, a producer, and an actress unite to realize their dream of making their first...
Upa! Remasterizada
Eight years after the first installment, Ailén, Fernando, and Nina, meet again in the BAFICI competition. From that reunion, they decide to...
Upa! 2: El regreso
Short movie about communications and our expectations.
Una tarde feliz
The universe of Argentine independent cinema. The imposture. The unfulfilled dreams. Confinement—the capability for irony, the skill for comedy...
(upa) una pandemia argentina