The story of the sexual exploits of three young metropolitan women: Fanny, Sandra, and Lisa. These three young women are fast friends. Fanny has...
Gadis Metropolis II
A female photographer, Selly, and a female writer, Dina, live in a haunted house. Where Mr. Latif, the house keeper, reminded them of the room that...
Lukisan Berdarah
After her married lover's wife finds out about their affair, economics student Shayna (Malfin Shayna) becomes involved with a lesbian stripper, a...
The Second Night of Passion
Dono (Wahyu Sardono), Indro (Indrojoyo Kusumo) and Kasino (Kasino Hadiwibowo) really want to have a car, but they don't have money. So the arrival of...
Pencet Sana Pencet Sini