Madanolsavam is a satirical tale about democracy and the struggle of Madhanan, a street hawker. After becoming the caretaker of his late friend...
Wazim is young, carefree and often drawn to fights. But when love blooms with a star vlogger, the impact of his fists could have disastrous effects.
Bachu, a young man who wishes to become a businessman, is in a big crisis. His family forces him to go to Gulf but he is not ready to change his...
Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham
A petty misunderstanding changes Thajudheen and Benny's relationship from friends to foes. Thajudheen goes above and beyond to prove his innocence...
Oru Kattil Oru Muri
A man makes a startling discovery following his father's sudden hospitalization and attempts to prevent his family's secret from reaching the local...
A sketch artist and a cop work together to unravel the identity of an elusive killer using the descriptions of his face, etched into the memory of an...