From a misunderstood love knot from a beloved woman, Bert, a temple boy, has drowned and turned into a ghost. However, the incident that arose out of...
Ghost's News
Before ringing in the new year, a man heads to Bangkok for a job opportunity but chaos ensues when his girlfriend and her brother decide to take a...
Happy New Year Happy New You
The king cobra possesses an orb that has a magic. If it's in the hands of the devil, Orb will have the power of evil. But if it's in the hands of a...
The Snake
Directed by popular comedian turns to director, Mum Jokmok, Pohtak is a parody comedy that explores the lives in front and behind the camera of Thais...
With enemy attacks looming, a group of villagers begins training for war to defend their homeland -- but becoming warriors brings humor and hardship.
The Last Heroes
A good eloquence monk travelled to Bangkok searching a boy father and ended up in a strange temple which reveal him another side of religious that he...
Joking Jazz 5G
The story of Petcharawut, the heir of Wongkamlao Family, an extremely wealthy family that runs jewelry business, who falls in love with Piramon, who...
This movie is a reality comedy show that throws light on various well known characters and people in the Thailand movie scene. These type of movies...
Reality Comedy Candid
People who are both right and wrong Will there be a problem in the world that is Mai, The most sour girl has questioned herself since high school...
Mai Ka Mum
Runaway billionaire found true love, But the obstacle is her mother and his rival.
Bug Tangmo
When Miss Ploy, a dormitory owner, was killed. Her power made tenants have to move out of the dorm. It made Pinky come and look after the dorm. He...
Hor Haew Haek
Ghosts wreak havoc at the old school, and a student communicates with the spirit while the team reckons with a power struggle.
Oh My Ghost 4
Taew and friends are invited to a mansion which the mansion owner is choosing the new landlord. To win the mansion award, they have to dress up in...
Oh My Ghost 6
Tiger-Running Sheet