Set during the height of World War II, Horizon centers on Lauren, a secretary at the FBI who begins a secretive investigation into files that have...
A retelling of L.M. Montgomery's story of Anne Shirley, an orphan who is accidentally sent to a couple looking to adopt a boy instead
Anne of Green Gables
With the aid of a fellow Auschwitz survivor and a hand-written letter, an elderly man with dementia goes in search of the person responsible for the...
In an alternate 1995, a mysterious disease has wiped out all of the adults. In this new age, two gangs are pitted against each other in a brutal war...
Riot Girls
Follows a Serbian refugees mother and daughter, as they struggle to navigate the many obstacles facing newcomers to Canada.
Easy Land
When Anne Shirley turns 13, she faces complex issues with her friends, inspirational adults and Marilla and Matthew. At the same time, she begins a...
Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars
Anne heads to Charlottetown to attend accelerated classes as she continues to work towards her dream of being a school teacher. While there, she is...
Anne of Green Gables: Fire & Dew
Three tech-savvy teens from the D.C. suburbs hack their classmates, teachers and parents to gain access to the in-crowd, all to let Ethan win the...
TMI: Crossing the Threshold