A little boy named Lincoln, who is bullied for the way he talks, creates a superhero in his head. A lonely man rescues a puppy who transforms his...
Kindness Matters
This is the gritty story of Amber, a teen girl from Los Angeles, who has been sex trafficked, and her healing at a ranch in Arizona, called Rancho...
Amber and Grace
Possible is a short film directed by director Diane M. Dresback. The film is a drama starring Deb Blume and Seth Gandrud.
A brother and sister struggle to help each other find love while their spiritual mother tries to guide them in the right direction.
Star Babies
Naomi, a young woman whose car ends up in a ditch off the road leaving her stranded can’t get cell reception. A tow-truck driver mysteriously...
You're All Gonna Die
When a young boy's mail order pet fails to hatch it is washed down the sink only to reprise weeks later. Now mean, mutated and thirsty for blood.
Night of the Sea Monkey