In January 2011, a bunch of filmmakers embarked on a road trip from Hollywood to the Sundance Film Festival. Their goal was to make a movie about a...
Road to Sundance
Indie short about Indian-Americans
Brothers Incorporated takes place in Philadelphia 1963, a dynamic time period shaken by the Civil Rights movement. A young man Marcus Christianson...
Brothers Incorporated
Two FBI Agents suspect a civilian defense contractor of espionage. A suspected employee, who unwittingly involves his wife, is caught up in an...
Harts Ridge
Alex's dreary life is reignited when he meets Rachel, the woman of his dreams. The only thing that stands in the way of their perfect, serendipitous...
Police informant Raffy-el thinks he's gotten the upper hand on cops and crooks alike when he obtains a master list of all the snitches the...