A man whose life is on the verge of collapse looks for new inspiration in this drama from Serbian filmmaker Milos Radivojevic. On was once a...
The Reject
Running from police, a small time thief finds a refuge in an abandoned video store. Forced to spend night there he decide to watch three horror films.
Kolja and Cveja, long-time friends and fellow actors are trying to cope with debt bondage, which led to Cveja's eviction from the apartment by the...
The Hangovers
The violent break-up of former Yugoslavia is described from the Serbian point of view, using the story of ethnically mixed couple in war-torn city of...
Vukovar Poste Restante
The satellite has vanished and the only clue is a trail leading to a small village nestled on the outskirts of forest line. As the team begins to...
The Rift
A famous fashion designer returns to his birthplace in a tiny Serb town, in the wake of the recent war. Although the inhabitants still love to dance...
Tango Is a Sad Thought to Be Danced
The story evolves around the Arian sect. During the III century AD they have seriously shaken the very foundations of Christian world. It is also...
A story of a vanishing world made of four women that are torn between an undeniable desire for family extension, and the freedom they are familiar...