A love triangle stretching from Bahir Dahr to Las Vegas. Theodros Teshome's film surpassed his own Kezkaza Welafen as Ethiopia's highest grossing...
Abay vs Vegas
A film By Aschenaki Bekele (የአስጨናቂ በቀለ ፊልም)
Zemtaye (ዝምታዬ )
Tells the plight of Ethiopian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.
Set in the Sidist Kilo campus of Addis Ababa University, Kezkaza Welafen directly addresses the social tensions of everyday life for Ethiopian...
Kezkaza Welafen
A Film by Solomon Bogale
Yeras Menged
New Theater
Transit Theater
Kaleab and Jemal are two who are willing to endure any travail to reach America and what they deem as a promise of a better life, but is it? Along...
Triangle: Going to America
A Film by Yonatan Worku
Menta Fiker