Story about a rock and roll group that outlived the country it was named after, but also a story about a family. The film follows the three...
Electric Yu-topia
The story of Trotakt projekt, a new wave band from Metković (Croatia) who were equally loved by music critics and audience.
Trotakt projekt: Reprisal of a Lost Story
Croatia Records, as the publishing house that published the largest number of new wave releases, is celebrating 40 years of new wave this year. The...
New Wave - 40 Years After
TV documentary about the Mexican music craze in the communist Yugoslavia.
YuMex - Yugoslav Mexico
Petar Peca Popović is one of the greatest, most famous, most authoritative and for sure, the best, connoisseur of Rock and Roll in the former...
Trapped Time
'Bijelo Dugme' was a legendary rock and roll band of the former Yugoslavia that is still enormously popular. The leader of the band was Goran...
White Button
Documentary about the life and career of Serbian rock musician Vladimir "Vlada" Divljan.
Heavenly Theme
Documentary about Indexi, a Bosnian and former Yugoslav rock band popular in Yugoslavia. It formed in 1962 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and...