A young British widow shelters an old medical school colleague, a man who has somehow turned himself invisible. As his isolation grows and his sanity...
Fear the Invisible Man
In 1905, on a rescue mission to the North Pole to retrieve an old friend and his lost expedition crew, Captain Mortimer gets more than he bargained...
Evan Reed is a disillusioned ex M.I.6 agent who has become a mercenary for hire. Hired to steal a file containing incriminating evidence linking the...
Set in a small isolated village in 14th century Wales, Alice is a sixteen year old girl who is accused of being a witch and causing the plague that...
The Cleansing
Boudica is an innocent sixteen-year-old girl who is forced into an arranged marriage by her father, the leader of a Celtic Tribe. However, her mother...
Boudica: Rise of the Warrior Queen
Four rebellious teenagers in 1st century Roman-occupied Wales must flee their village and live in the wild after they accidentally kill a Roman...
The Rebels
Alien soldier Yalalia finds herself caught up in a conflict of moral and physical standings with a group of soldiers from Earth. Her integrity is...
Rueful Warrior