Set in small-town rural Georgia, a man returns to his hometown to face the deep-rooted racial tensions of a deep southern town that ages, but never...
The Unseen
Misfit co-workers find a tote full of money belonging to misfit thugs.
Big Money
Welcome to Gospel Legends! Spend some time with the true Legends of Gospel as they perform their history-making hits from the last 60 years of Gospel...
Malaco Records Presents: Gospel Legends
In 2003 an all-star cast of gospel singers took Bob Dylan's gospel compositions and created a GRAMMY-nominated album. Now Gotta Serve Somebody: The...
Gotta Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs of Bob Dylan
Darrin Hill, a slick-talking but down-on- his-luck NYC advertising exec, returns to his hometown in Georgia to claim the inheritance his aunt left...
The Fighting Temptations
Documentary / Music/Musical / Other - Never before has a film so enthusiastically captured the mood and spirit of this unique American art form. Five...