A bounty hunter finds himself stranded south of the border with a career criminal being pursued by a hit man, a bookie, a crooked cop, and a loan...
Catching Junior Tate
This saga continues as Lord Zahyian Crehin becomes fully aware of who he is with the help of Commander Sofia Hayden. He begins to piece together the...
A World Of Worlds: Rise of the King
Molly Bachman, a young bestselling author buys the apartment of her dreams in the city. As she settles in, ready to start work on her next novel,...
Hider in My House
As soon as Bobby and Lola, a newly married couple, move into a new house, Bobby transitions into a delusional maniac murderer who turns into a...
The American Ripper
After fighting with his boss and losing his job, Monty, a semi-successful thespian, flees back home to live with his parents under false pretenses....
Monty Comes Back
Killer Sharks is a recreation of the world-famous attacks along the coast of Durban, South Africa, during the summer of 1957/1958. Called "Black...
Killer Sharks : The Attacks Of Black December
Louis Sareno, a young man born into the mob, searches for a way out of the only life he's ever known. Looking to find purpose and meaning in his...
On the Arm
An evil warlock now rules the magical planet Ressear. To conquer her fallen empire Sofia Hayden must find the legendary Royal 4 reincarnated bodies.
A World of Worlds