The film tells about three village boys Ebby, Muda and Halim who migrated to Kuala Lumpur in search of a job. In Kuala Lumpur, they live together in...
Balik Kampung
A story about a very naughty graduate named Ali who is always in Asmidar’s hair disturbing in all kinds of manor. But all the hate feeling is...
Ali Setan
Rostam, Roslan dan Rosdin are fired from their jobs for being too preoccupied with music. They fall in love with Salina, Sarina and Safina...
Marah-marah Sayang
After graduation, Ali and Asmidar planning on getting married. However, Jeff has led to their marriage was canceled because Jeff tells the background...
Ali Setan 2
Mariam, a well-known dancer from Kampung Paku Laris is caught in a love triangle between the rich, powerful and handsome Marsani and the poor but...
Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam
Jay, a bodyguard, races against time to save his boss, businessman Dato' Hashim and his daughter Nadi, against a hostile hostage situation.
J2: J Retribusi
Ebby, Muda and Halim are three young men who have just come from the village to Kuala Lumpur to find work. In Kuala Lumpur, they have been staying at...