The film is based on real events that took place in Samara in 1956 and known as the "Standing Zoe." During the holiday girl, without waiting her...
The Miracle
Siberia. Late autumn. In taiga, in the deserted village there lives an old man Ivan & his seven-year-old grandson Leshia. A pack of feral dogs...
Siberia, Monamour
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
The Spot
100 Minutes is the tale of thousands of Soviet soldiers who fought the Nazis and whose only ‘crime’ was to get caught. Stalin’s...
100 Minutes
Feliks, professional killer, has only 24 hours to get to the distant island, where his beloved woman and the money for the custom made is waiting for...
24 Hours
A group of teenagers are sent to the farm as a punishment for ruining the prom party.
Correction Island