The film "Rock Beyond" is dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, Boris Grebenshchikov and Sergei Kuryokhin, who became the Main Heroes of Russian rock in the...
Rock Beyond
Garpastum is a Latin word meaning ball game. Set in 1914 in St. Petersburg, the brothers Andrey and Nikolai are passionate about the matches they...
ASSA is set in Crimea during the winter in the mid eighties. A young musician (Bananan) falls for mobster's (Krymov) young mistress (Alika). The...
The beginning of the 20th century. The recklessness of fanatics is pushing humanity towards the abyss. A revolution begins in Russia. Crazy Dr....
Two Captains II
1991 the Soviet Union disappeared with the collapse of the country, some DJs turn towards the techno music and LSD, the capital starts to beat with a...
I am Gagarin
After the murder of Krymov, Alika was sentenced to prison. In prison, she falls into the hands of a fragment of the novel "Anna Karenina". By pure...
The Golden Mean