This teen drama follows high-school senior David Wakefield, a talented runner who is set on leading his track-and-field team to victory. As David...
Our Winning Season
A few years ago, a mysterious serial-killer caused panic on Crippen High School. The killer was never caught. A movie company, Cosmic Pictures, has...
Return to Horror High
Nichelle Nichols is an army sergeant who leads her platoon into the woods of the deep south on a training exercise. Unfortunately, it is the site...
The Supernaturals
Quiet, withdrawn 13-year-old Rynn Jacobs lives peacefully in her home in a New England beach town. Whenever the prying landlady inquires after Rynn's...
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane
The story of a 13-year-old Jewish girl and her family who are forced into hiding by the Nazis during World War II.
The Diary of Anne Frank
When awkward teen Ronald Wilby accidentally kills a young girl whose sister rejected his affections, his overbearing mother decides to hide him from...
Bad Ronald
The first US teleplay to deal sympathetically with homosexuality. Divorced San Francisco contractor Doug Salter is looking forward to a summer visit...
That Certain Summer
A boy with an unhealthy and pathological attachment to his mother becomes increasingly jealous of the new man in her life. After his mother...
A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents.
Thief Duke Anderson—just released from ten years in jail—takes up with his old girlfriend in her posh apartment block, and makes plans to...
The Anderson Tapes
L.A. real estate agent Kate Wooten gets a new lease on life when she learns that her new client, a mysterious and handsome man named Vlad, is looking...
To Die For
Vampires come to town. Who's a vampire? Who's not? Ask our main character, who is suspicious, and our main character's brother, who gets seduced by...
Son of Darkness: To Die For II
An auto-theft ring decides to help out migrant workers from Mexico with the proceeds from their racket.
Love and the Midnight Auto Supply
An adopted boy's parents are killed, and to keep him from returning to the state's custody, he and his grandfather run away.
No Place to Run
An emotionally disturbed young boy shuts out all of his family and friends. A counselor tries to help bring him and his family together again.
The Man Who Could Talk to Kids
In this made-for-TV disaster movie, the lives of a group of motorists are chronicled retrospectively after they're involved in a 39-car pile-up on...
Smash-Up on Interstate 5
A young marginally intellectually-disabled girl and boy meet, plan to marry, and convince the world that they are entitled to a life of their own --...
No Other Love