After the tragic loss of her husband Ron, Lily finds herself navigating a challenging new reality with her son Kevin. As they settle into a modest...
From Embers
A new hire joins a small town pizza restaurant just as the business fails and its employees question the "American Dream."
8 Slices
Shmuel, a Hasidic cantor in Upstate New York and distraught at the untimely death of his wife, struggles to find religious solace, while secretly...
To Dust
When ordered to serve a year in rehab, actress Candy hires her on-set stand-in to take her place. The unassuming woman flips the script and steals...
The Stand In
Sam, who after his motorcycle is damaged in an apparent crash into the ocean, becomes stranded in a small New England town, finds refuge at a...
Sometime Other than Now
Loserville follows a dorky high school outcast named Chuck as he navigates the wild and confusing days of his senior year. Chuck must face the...