Based on the real-life experiences of Mende Nazer, the story unfolds as twelve-year-old Malia, daughter of champion wrestler Bah, is abducted from...
I Am Slave
A powerful anthology of short films, made by and about women, shining a compassionate light on mental health.
The Edge of Her Mind Anthology
A brilliant young medical doctor, stunningly beautiful, morphs into a heartless murderer after a positive pregnancy test, and a cheating lover.
Villains in the Metropolis
It is one of Egypt's enduring mysteries. What happened to Nefertiti and her husband, Akhenaten - the radical king, and likely father of King Tut? In...
Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty
One night. A brutal break up. A drinking spree, and a one night stand with a mysterious man. Few months later and pregnant, Lisa Waweru, a broke...
Plan B
A meticulous clerk for a bookstore that has just been shuttered suddenly finds herself taking care of her cousin's witty 11-year-old daughter.
Just in Time
Family vacation