Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower...
Andrea is a labor consultant and his married life with Lucia is winding down. Once a week Andrea crosses the border of the Neapolitan nightlife to...
Towards Happiness
Cascia, 14th century, Rita Liotti falls in love, gets married and has two children. Her dream of love is soon hindered by a masculine and violent...
Saint Rita
The aftermath of a rape seen through the parallel lives of the assailant and victim as they try to redeem and rebuild their lives respectively.
Dark Love
An Italian anthology horror movie about different stories.
Fantasmi: Italian Ghost Stories
La Morte di Pietra
A woman escapes a group of bullies seeking to rape her and takes refuge with a seemingly kind couple who have a dark secret hidden in their quiet,...
The Last House in the Woods
The children leave for the school trip and dad and mom board a nice girl who turns out to be the lover of their best friend. Which is then the...
Sexy Comedy
DeKronos - Il Demone del Tempo
In this twisted horror anthology, eight talented directors present their takes on the disturbing tales of Edgar Allen Poe, each in a very personal...
P.O.E. : Project of Evil
Antonio's first day as a thief is marked by tears. During an incursion at the mall, his mother is arrested. Some 20 years later, Antonio along with...