This warmhearted Yuletide tale tells the story of Grandpa Nichols (James Earl Jones) who is spending his first Christmas alone as a widower. His...
Santa and Pete
A deceptively charismatic ex-convict is welcomed into a Beverly Hills family as their new houseguest. Will they grant him a second chance at...
The Killer Within Me
A crusty Old West hermit relates the story of the love of his life, Irene. Before her birth, Irene's family was visited by a mysterious panther,...
The Eyes of the Panther
A cop copes with several personal and professional challenges, including the discovery of his infidelity; his family's massacre; gunshot wounds to...
Champion Killer
Jay Austin is now a civilian police detective. Colonel Caldwell was his commanding officer years before when he left the military police over a...
The Presidio
While traveling with his father's world-wide lecture tour, nine-year-old Indiana Jones encounters an ancient mummy and a fresh corpse at an...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure
"Conversations with God" is the true story of Neale Donald Walsch that inspired and changed the lives of millions. The journey begins after he...
Conversations with God
An irritable marketing executive, Neal Page, is heading home to Chicago for Thanksgiving when a number of delays force him to travel with a well...
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
The boy who wasn't supposed to grow up—Peter Pan—does just that, becoming a soulless corporate lawyer whose workaholism could cost him...
Feeling increasingly trapped, frustrated and alone, middle-aged Los Angeles resident Dee Barnes decides to turn her life (and hopefully the lives of...
The Wednesday Night Save the World Society
It seems that Bob Jones has everything a man could want, namely a fulfilling job and a beautiful, pregnant wife, Gail. But Bob's life is turned...
My Life
When DEA agents are taken captive by a ruthless South American kingpin, the Delta Force is reunited to rescue them in this sequel to the 1986 film.
Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection
The elder Jones's lecture tour takes parents and son to India, where Indy explores the meaning of faith in oneself with Theosophist philosopher Jiddu...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Journey of Radiance
On safari at the Masai Mara game preserve in Kenya with Teddy Roosevelt, Indy becomes lost in the vast and dangerous wilderness. Later, in Paris, he...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Passion for Life
First love - or first infatuation - overwhelms Indy in Vienna, where he is smitten with the daughter of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Needing emotional...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Perils of Cupid
While visiting Russia on his father’s lecture tour, Indy runs off on his own and meets Leo Tolstoy. Later, on a trip to Athens, Indy and his...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Travels with Father
Roger Dollison, a police officer, and his wife, Kendra, are living the American dream. They have two children, Teddy and Sandy, a lovely home, and a...
Do You Know the Muffin Man?
Straight Eye: The Movie