Inspired by Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, the film follows a prodigal son who returns after 12 years. His reappearance at the family home in...
Pomegranate Orchard
This Wonderful, Wonderful World
Azerbaijanian family has found Armenian boy in the forest and raised him. But years after he betrays his country during the war.
Canavar Balası
The joint struggle of the Azerbaijani and Iranian police against the forces organizing international drug trafficking.
The Turned World
At the request of his colleague, the young lawyer goes to the courtroom to replace her, but he mixes up the rooms and ends up defending a brutal...
Where Is The Lawyer?
Orkhan is Jeyran's fiancé. However, one day, after he leaves Jeyran alone with a bear at the zoo and runs away, they have a falling out....
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