A young woman who unknowingly grew up in federal witness protection reels after her mother’s murder, leading her to question everything that...
The Plot to Kill My Mother
Alana and a group of college seniors board a party train for a Halloween-themed bash, but their fun spirals into fear when a mysterious assailant...
Terror Train
A year has passed since a series of gruesome murders took the lives of multiple college seniors aboard the now infamous Terror Train. The survivors...
Terror Train 2
In a post-zombie world, where the infected live normal lives, their retroviral drug is running out.
The Returned
A detective, who is deeply grieving over the tragic loss of his wife and daughter, becomes determined to find the kidnapped daughter of the U.S....
The Red Maple Leaf
When a teenage daughter realizes her traditional Romani parents have arranged a marriage for her, she must fight for her independence — and her...
I Do, or Die: A Killer Arrangement