Kinara (Clarice Cutie), a class X high school student, dreams of becoming a skilled dancer like her mother. Meanwhile, her mother, Diah (Lilis...
Tari Kematian
The story begins with a newly married couple, Bima and Kanaya who occupy an auction house. Kanaya finds many strange events, events that lead to an...
After a shaman casts a curse on her, a woman is killed by dark sorcery and resurrected as a wrathful spirit who seeks to reunite with her newborn...
Suzzanna: Kliwon Friday Night
Ratna Suminar, the new student meets Galih Rakasiwi as a cold and indifferent figure. Until then the two of them fell in love with each other....
High School Serenade
An accidental meeting between Jarot and Lastri produces seeds of deep love and longing. This is a love story of a couple who are considered crazy by...
Balada Sepasang Kekasih Gila
Getting lost in the Forbidden Forest frustrated Intan and her 4 friends and they chose to separate from each other from the group. Their choice to...
Diwe: Hutan Larangan
Bangka in 1981. A brother and sister were fighting over a 'pet' known as Mawang. A large, hairy, fanged and sharp-nailed creature. The older brother...
Mawang: Jangan Sebut Namanya
Erlan Mario and Widi Kania decided to return to their grandfather's village after Maya suffered a fatal accident that left her paralyzed and...
Kampung Keramat